TDK Electronics develops, manufactures and markets electronic components and systems under the product brands of TDK and EPCOS, focusing on fast-growing leading-edge technology markets, which include automotive electronics, industrial electronics and consumer electronics as well as information and communications technology. Thanks to the 24,000 employees at some 20 design and production locations and an extensive sales network, the company is globally positioned – beyond the provision of standard products – to work closely with customers and create the right solutions for them. 

Contributing to the future of Electronics

Achieving world class innovations through vision, courage and trust

Featured Products


  • Low ESR/ESL
  • High ripple current capability
  • High temperature robustness
  • AEC-Q200 qualified

Common Mode Filter

  • Suitable for large current applications
  • RoHS compatible

Power Line Filters

  • Small and high-performance EMC Components
  • Good attentuation characteristic in high frequency ranges

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Tavs meklējums uzrādīja 5182 produktus 25 kategorijās

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Pārsprieguma aizsardzības komponentes (219)

Skaņas ierīču, sirēnu un mikrofonu komponentes (27)

Transformatori (9)

Voltage Converters (6)

Automation Signalling (2)

Passive Components Kits (2)

Uzlādējamie akumulatori (1)


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